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一、 长元音/i:/ 外号“长衣音”

词汇拓展:we /wi:/ she /? i:/ meet /mi:t/ each/i: t?/

eat /i:t/ me /mi:/ green /gri:n/

对应的字母:e-Chinese ei-receive ie-believe

ee-feeling ea-please

实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.

2.Seeing is believing.

3.Please feel free to visit anytime.

二、短元音/?/ 外号“短衣音”

词汇拓展:sit[s?t] big[b?g] visit[?v?z?t] six [s?ks]

list [l?st] trip [tr?p]

对应的字母:i-visit u-busy y-pretty

e-English ui-build

实用操练:1. Where there is a will, there is a way.

2.I’m pretty busy.

三、元音/e/ 外号“45度”音

词汇拓展:bed /bed/ head /hed/ many /men?/ any/en?/

pen /pen/ egg /eg/ let/let/

对应的字母:e-bed ea-head a-many

实用操练:1.Better late than never.

2.East or west, home is best.

四、音标/?/ 外号“90度大嘴音”

词汇拓展:plan /pl?n/ glad /gl?d/ stand /st?nd/

bag/b?g/ cat /k?t/ hat /h?t/

对应的字母: a-apple

实用操练:1.I have a happy family.

2. Not bad.

五、音标/?:/ 外号“重读卷舌音”

词汇拓展:her /h?:/ girl /g?:l/ nurse /n?:s/ worker/?w?:k?(r)/ first/f?:st/ learn /l?:n/

对应的字母: er-prefer ir-dirty or-world ur-hurt

实用操练:1. Nobody is perfect.

2.The early bird catches the worm.

六、音标/?/ 外号“短鹅音”

词汇拓展:teacher[?ti:t??(r)] driver [?dra?v?(r)]

doctor [?d?kt?(r)] actor [??kt?(r)]

sister [?s?st?(r)] brother [?br???(r)]

对应的字母: er-dinner or-doctor u-suppose

a-Alone o-introduce

实用操练:1. The faster, the better.

2.What’s the matter with you?


词汇拓展:car /kɑ:/ start/stɑ:t/ father/?fɑ:??(r)/ farm/fɑ:m/ half /hɑ:f/

对应的字母: a-watch ear-heart ar-far uar-guard ar-car

实用操练:1. So far, so good.

2.Times are hard.

八、元音/ ?/ 外号“短啊音”

词汇拓展:cup[k?p] brother [?br???(r)] young [j??]

us [?s] fun [f?n] mother [?m???(r)]

对应的字母:o-love u-fun oo-blood ou-enough

实用操练:1.Seven is my lucky number.

2.Something is better than nothing.

九、音标/?:/ 外号“中嘴卷舌音”

词汇拓展:short[??:t] more [m?:] four[f?:] floor [fl?:] call[k?:] sport[sp?:t]

对应的字母:or-short ore-more our-four oor-door


实用操练:1.It’s important to practice more.

2.Force yourself to do more.

十、音标/?/ 外号“中嘴短元音”

词汇拓展:dog[d?g] wrong [r??] watch [w?t?] hot [h?t]

boss [b?s] shop [??p]

对应的字母: o-dog a-watch

实用操练:1.My boss feels hot and goes to the shop.

十一、音标/U:/ 外号“长乌音”

词汇拓展:zoo[zu:] who [hu:] ruler [?ru:l?(r)] blue [blu:]

you [ju] room [ru:m]

对应的字母:oo-zoo u-ruler oe-shoe ue-blue

o-improve ui-fruit ou-route

实用操练:1. You look cool.

2. The color of the room is blue.

十二、音标/?/ 外号“短乌音”

词汇拓展:put [p?t] book [b?k] would [w?d]

woman [?w?m?n] good [g?d] could [k?d]

对应的字母:u-put oo-book o-woman ou-could

实用操练:1.You mother is a good woman.

十三、音标/e?/ 外号“嘴角咧到耳朵上音”

词汇拓展:face[fe?s] cake [ke?k] play [ple?] they [?e?]

eight [e?t] great [gre?t] game [ge?m]

对应的字母:a-amAzing ay-pay ai-afraid

实用操练:1.No pain, no gain.

2. Don’t make the same mistakes.

十四、音标/a?/ 外号“大嘴阿姨音”

词汇拓展:hi[ha?] my [ma?] bye [ba?] eye [a?]

high[ha?] like [la?k]

对应字母:a-life y-cry ie-pie uy-buy

实用操练:1.Never say die! Try! Try! Try!

2. Don’t be shy. Just try.

十五、音标/??/ 外号“中嘴短衣音”

词汇拓展:boy[b??] toy[t??] coin[k??n] join [d???n] noise [n??z] enjoy [?n?d???]

对应的字母:oy-boy oi-coin

实用操练:1. The boy hopes you join the club and enjoy it.

十六、音标/??/ 外号“舀水音”

词汇拓展:no[n??] know[n??] coat[k??t] only[???nli]

old[??ld] photo [?f??t??]

对应的字母:o-hope oa-goal ow-know ou-soul

实用操练:1.You are my only hope.

2.There is no place like home.

十七、音标/a?/ 外号“鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音”

词汇拓展:out[a?t] now [na?] brown [bra?n]

house [ha?s] found [fa?nd]

对应的字母:ow-how ou-house

实用操练:1.There is no doubt about it.

2. Get out of my house right now.

十八、音标/??/ 外号“短衣卷舌音”

词汇拓展:here[h??(r)] ear [??(r)] dear [d??(r)]

idea [a??d??] clear [kl??(r)]

对应的字母:ere-here ea-idea ear-clear

实用操练:1. He has a clear idea about beer.

十九、音标/e?/ 外号“咧嘴卷舌音”

词汇拓展:hair[he?(r)] there [?e?(r)] their [?e?(r)]

fair [fe?(r)] chair [t?e?(r)]

对应的字母:air-hair ere-there are-share eir-their

实用操练:1. Where there is a will, there is a way.

二十、音标/??/ 外号“短乌卷舌音”

实用操练:poor/p??(r)/ sure[???(r)] pure[p??(r)] tour[t??(r)] cure[k??(r)]

对应的字母:oor-poor ure-sure

实用操练:1. I’m not sure about the tour.

二十一、双唇爆破辅音/p/ 外号“气破双唇音”

词汇拓展:pen[pen] happy[?h?pi] keep[ki:p]

pencil [?pensl] person [?p?:sn]

实用操练:1.Practice makes perfect.

2.The person is happy to buy one pen and two penscils.


词汇拓展:bus[b?s] bed [bed] boy [b??] book [b?k]

bag [b?g] ball [b?:l] brother [?br???(r)]

实用操练:1.The boy likes the ball、bag、bus and books.



comb [k??m] bomb [b?m] thumb [θ?m]

二十三、音标/t/ 外号“舌尖齿龈弹气音”

词汇拓展:let /let/ tall[t?:l] letter [?let?(r)] little [?l?tl]

meet [mi:t] talk [t?:k]

实用操练:1. I feel a little bit better today.

2. Try harder next time.

二十四、音标/d/ 外号“舌尖齿龈弹气音”

词汇拓展:dog[d?g] child [t?a?ld] death[deθ]

good [g?d] bed [bed] kind[ka?nd]

实用操练:1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

二十五、音标/k/ 外号“气破舌根软腭音”

词汇拓展:kite[ka?t] back[b?k] cat [k?t] book[b?k]

desk [desk] clock [kl?k]

实用操练:1. The kite and book are in the desk.

二十六、音标/g/ 外号“气破舌根软腭音”

词汇拓展:go/g??/ egg[eg] good [g?d] game [ge?m]

get [get] great [gre?t]

实用操练:1.Let’s give him a big hand.

2. That’s a good idea.

二十七、音标/m/ 外号“双唇闭嘴鼻音”

词汇拓展:man[m?n] time [ta?m] more [m?:(r)]

meet [mi:t] math[m?θ] market[?mɑ:k?t]

实用操练:1. Men make mistakes.

2. Money will come and go.

二十八、音标/n/ 外号“舌尖齿龈开口鼻音”

词汇拓展:no[n??] eleven [??levn] know [n??]

name [ne?m] need[ni:d] new [nju:]

实用操练:1. No news is good news.

2. He sure is a pain in the neck.

二十九、音标/?/ 外号“舌后软腭撒娇鼻音”

词汇拓展:think[θ??k] sing [s??] ring [r??]

morning[?m?:n??] thing [θ??] thank [θ??k]

实用操练:1. Thank you for everything.

三十、音标/f/ 外号“咬唇音”

词汇拓展:few[fju:] photo [?f??t??] father [?fɑ:??(r)] floor [fl?:(r)] found [fa?nd]

实用操练:1. Life is beautiful, but is not always sweet.

2.How are you feeling ? I feel fine.

三十一、音标/v/ 外号“咬唇音”

词汇拓展:very[?veri] seven [?sevn] five [fa?v]

video [?v?di??] movie [?mu:vi] over [???v?(r)]

实用操练:1. Can you give me some advice?

2. He lives a very active life.

三十二、半元音/w/ 外号“圆唇突出短我音”

词汇拓展:we [wi] what [w?t] want [w?nt]

where [we?(r)] when [wen] well [wel]

实用操练:1.Where there is a will, there is a way.

2.Don’t give up. We’ll always be with you.

三十三、音标/s/ 外号“气通舌尖齿龈音”

词汇拓展:sit[s?t] class[klɑ:s] yes[jes] nice[na?s]

school [sku:l] sun [s?n] star [stɑ:(r)]

实用操练:1. The sun and star are nice.

2.Don’t be so tense.

三十四、音标/z/ 外号“气通舌尖齿龈音

词汇拓展:zoo[zu:] is[?z] eggs[egz] whose[hu:z]

busy[?b?zi] those[???z]

实用操练:Business is business.

三十五、音标/?/ 外号“舌端齿龈气擦音”

词汇拓展:she[?i] sure[???(r)] fish[f??] wish[w??]


实用操练:She loves fish and wish to eat.

三十六、音标/θ/ 外号“咬舌音”

词汇拓展:thank[θ??k] month[m?nθ] mouth[ma?θ] thing[θ??] three[θri:]

实用操练:Nothing is more important than staying healthy.

三十七、音标/?/ 外号“咬舌音”

词汇拓展:that[??t] these[?i:z] those[???z]

father[?fɑ:??(r)] there[?e?(r)]

实用操练:That person over there is my father.


词汇拓展:hats[h?ts] pets[pets] facts[f?kts]

实用操练:The hats and pets are beautiful.


词汇拓展:beds [bedz] cards[kɑ:dz] kinds [ka?ndz] deeds [di:dz] words [w?:dz]

实用操练:His deeds don’t agree with his words.

四十、音标/ h/ 外号“大口喘气音”

词汇拓展:he[hi] who[hu:] hope[h??p] happy[?h?pi]


实用操练:He has a happy home.

四十一、半元音/ j/ 外号“双唇扁平短爷音”

词汇拓展:year[j??(r)] your[j?:(r)] young[j??]

yesterday[?jest?de?] lawyer[?l?:j?(r)]

实用操练:The young lawyer is your father.

四十二、半元音/ r/ 外号“四指卷舌音”

词汇拓展:red[red] right[ra?t] wrong[r??] room[ru:m] run[r?n] ruler[?ru:l?(r)]

实用操练:You are right. I am wrong.

四十三、舌边辅音/ ?/

词汇拓展:leg[leg] blue[blu:] place[ple?s] tell[tel]

lead[li:d] like[la?k]

实用操练:I tell him I like blue.


词汇拓展:tree[tri:] truck[tr?k] try[tra?] true[tru:]

travel[?tr?vl] trouble[?tr?bl]

实用操练:Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.


词汇拓展:dress[dres] drink[dr??k] draw[dr?:]

dream[dri:m] drive[dra?v]

实用操练:My dream is to have a dress.

四十六、音标/?/ 外号“舌端齿龈气擦音”

词汇拓展:usually [?ju:?u?li] decision [d??s??n]

pleasure [?ple??(r)] measure [?me??(r)]

实用操练:I usually make a decision by myself.

四十七、音标/t?/ 外号“气冲舌尖齿龈音”

词汇拓展:child [t?a?ld] teach [ti:t?] picture [?p?kt??(r)] culture [?k?lt??(r)] church [t??:t?] touch [t?t?]

实用操练:Don’t touch the head of a child.

四十八、音标/d?/ 外号“舌端齿龈气擦音”

词汇拓展:just[d??st] age[e?d?] joke[d???k]

imagine[??m?d??n] orange[??r?nd?] large[lɑ:d?]

实用操练:I can’t imagine a large orange.













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